Photos of Trio Indah Hotel

Hotel Trio Indah 1 Hotel Trio Indah 2

This hotel is located in front of PLN office, about 200 meters to the south from Kartika Graha Hotel. Actually this is not the main building of the Trio Indah Hotel. It is just the second. The first one is located on Jaksa Agung Suprapto, right in front of Ursuline Monastery.

Both of the building were using the place where the Malang Police Station was on. Now, the Police Station is on Jaksa Agung Suprapto, before the RSSA (Saiful Anwar Hospital)

The location of the second Indah Trio Hotel is more strategic than the one on Jaksa Agung Suprapto. But if you consider to have a more quiet place to stay, I think the one on Jaksa Agung Suprapto is better.

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Anonymous said…
ga kok mas, isinya sama sekali tidak ada unsur memecah belah atau memihak.

coba deh baca isinya....!, jadi ga abot kok.

soal judul emang agak mengarah kesana tapi isinya ga kok.


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