Streets that really represent Malang

Jalan Bandung

It is very nice to walk on this street, even in midday. The trees along side the street will keep the air feels cool and fresh.

Jalan Bandung 2

Jalan Bandung 3

Jalan Bandung

Jalan Bandung 4

Jalan Ijen

This street is really the icon of Malang. Come to Malang and try to enjoy the view. You will soon understand why Jalan Ijen is so famous. The houses along this street are forbidden to changed. The government of Malang has this part of the city as the reserved area, just like the Ursuline Monastery on Jalan Jaksa Agung Suprapto. The Palm trees remind us to the Beverly Hills, although they may completely different, hehe....

Jalan Ijen 1 Jalan Ijen 2

Jalan Basuki Rahmat

This is one of the most busiest street in Malang. You can find Banks and offices over there. You will not find trees here, but buildings.

Jalan Basuki Rahmat 3

Jalan Basuki rahmat 4


Manoj said…
nice photos of really nice places
it'll be more good if you select best pic. also increase the size it'll be great....
Esther Yudi said…
@ Manoj:

Thank you for your comment. You know, it is because my internet connection is so low, so I manage to have it as small as it is possible. It is really a big problem for me to upload big size photo. Haha...
Anyway, thank you so much, I'll try your suggestion later.
Anonymous said…
it's quite nice hotel...i have a great memory at #428 last year...hope i can stay back some time
Adams Kurosaki said…
Foto yg Bagus Gan jgn Lupa berKunjung di Blog Gue

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