Santika Premiere Jakarta – The Best 4-Star Hotel in Jakarta

Santika Premiere Jakarta | This hotel is definitely more than able to give you the best. Santika Hotel is one of the most successful hotel owned by Kompas Group. On the last Indonesia Tourism Award, Santika Premiere Jakarta achieved the best 4-star hotel award.

As the winner of 5 star hotel category, we have Mulia Senayan Jakarta, and In the meantime, Mulia Senayan Jakarta as the Best 5-star hotel, and the Aroma’s Kuta as the best 3-star hotel. Bandar Jakarta Restaurant won the Best Restaurant award. While Plaza Senayan got the most favorite mall award. The Paris Van Java mall is the best mall outside Jakarta.
Santika Premiere Jakarta
Garuda Indonesia got the Favorite Full Service Flight award. As the most favorite economic flight service, we got Sriwijaya Air. What about the best travel agent? Panorama Tour is the winner.

Some categories that have been surveyed in the Indonesia Tourism Award are including best supporting tourism industry that is divided into sub-sectors categories, such as star hotels, airlines, travel agents, taxis, restaurants, golf, spa, and shopping malls. In addition, there are also awards for the best county / city in travel services, favorite tourist destination, and favorite tourist attraction. There is also an award for the most supporting provincial government for tourism development.

SWA magazine acts as an organizer of the survey. The survey was conducted in 25 cities. The cities were selected from a list of cities in Indonesia with biggest income from tourism industry in the area.

Santika Premiere Jakarta

In addition to the survey, also conducted FGDs (focus group discussion). There were about 60-90 tourists that have been interviewed in each cities.

The 25 cities include Pacific Islands, Batam, Badung, Jakarta, Bogor, Cirebon, Denpasar, Jakarta, Malang, Makassar, Manado, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Tanah Toraja, West Lombok, Raja Ampat, Sawahlunto, Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semanrang, South Jakarta, Samarinda, and Medan.

The survey of 1,500 travelers conducted consisting of 1350 domestic tourists and 150 foreign tourists. Also included 100 respondents from professionals and executives. Some aspects that are considered as the criteria includes hygiene, travel information, reasonableness of costs, promotion, the diversity of objects, security, the uniqueness of the object, and hospitality. Visit Santika Premiere Jakarta Website for more information. source: Kompas


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