Corruption in Malang: Educational Institutions Are The Champion of All 2011

Not only at the national level corruption is still a hot issue. In the districts / cities, corruption is still a big issue. As is the case in Malang (Malang, Malang Regency, and Batu). Cases of corruption that occurred in the area of ​​Malang is still dominated the field of education, with a total of 35 reports of alleged corruption cases, and potentially cost the state about USD 4 billion.

The size of that figure, revealed in the annual activity reports submitted by Malang Corruption Watch (MCW) with Malang Education Coalition of Concerned Citizens (KMPPM), Saturday (10/12).

Pengadilan Negeri Malang November 2011The Coordinator of MCW, Didit Muhammad Sholeh said, the total complaints of corruption presented in 2011 reached 44 cases, 35 cases including educational issues, and the remaining non-educational issues that include politics, Regionally Owned Enterprises, transportation, and social.

Didit added, in the education sector, total complaints reached 35 cases, and each case potentially cost the state up to Rp. 125 million, so that when totalized reached USD 4 billion more.

"This form of corruption in education is often reported to the public include extortion, the sale of Student Worksheet (LKS), textbooks, uniforms, buildings, making the trellis, the construction of mosques, charitable contributions and tuition fees," explains Didit.

These findings, he explained, according to the results of critical analysis conducted MCW and KMPPM, extortion and other forms of corruption there are 25 types, ranging from school enrollment fee, tuition fees, OSIS money, extra money, money and re-registration exam.

In addition, Didit admits, there is also a form of travel money, book money, community currencies, graduation and ask students to bring a cake and food when the next grade, and the existence of compulsory dues to buy a souvenir.

In the non-education sector, Didit explained, including a case of political corruption and potentially cost the state up to Rp398 million, 3 cases with community social state losses of Rp.11 billion, the transportation sector a case with potential state losses of Rp. 700 million.

With the unfolding of a number of data corruption in the region of Malang Raya, MCW plans to report to the Malang District Attorney (Kejari), so that could be followed up and revealed.

"In the near future we will report to the prosecutor, so that the data we have found can be quickly followed up," added Didit.

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yildizname said…
hello nice blog nice blog thanks

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