The “L” is Forbidden To Come To Malang

Aremania 2010 Maybe you don’t know what the “L” is. Well, “L” is the sign for a vehicle that comes from Surabaya. Vehicles that come from Malang has the “N” sign. The sign itself is placed on the car’s or motor cycle’s Police License Plate.

Arema Malang has just won the ISL (Indonesian Super League) – the biggest Indonesian foot ball achievement on May 29, 2010. This is of course celebrated by the Arema’s fans. And you do understand that, that kind of celebration will take some sacrifices. “The “L” is Forbidden To Come To Malang” is one of the sacrifices that must be taken by all cars and motor cycles from Surabaya which want to visit Malang.

Polresta Malang, as the Police Authorities in Malang, issued a warning to all vehicles from Surabaya not to come to Malang at least until the celebration finished. This is done to prevent unwanted incidents that might happen during the celebration.

Some cases had already happened.  Some cars that have the “L” sign had been hit with wooden sticks by Arema’s supporters. As Surabaya is the base camp of Persebaya Surabaya, the supporters are assuming that all cars with the “L” belong to the Persebaya’s supporters, nomatter that actually many Malang’s people have cars with the “L”. Lol?

Although Arema Malang’s supporters are considered as the best foot ball supporters in Indonesia, but if they see any Bonek – a call for Persebaya Surabaya supporters – they act as an enemy.

Peace brother – peace ….

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진주 한 said… scary action..dont wanna be around them at that moment..

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