Malang Tempoe Doeloe Festival 2010 Schedule

Here is the Malang Tempoe Doeloe Festival 2010 Schedule:
The Malang Tempoe Doeloe Festival will be held from May 20th to 23rd 2010. Officially, this annual Malang Festival starts at 8 up to 24 each day.

Opening Ceremony will be held on May 20th 2010 at 18.30

Jalan Ijen is still chosen as the location of this most awaited event. This 2010 Malang Tempoe Doeloe Malang Festival is taking the “Rekonstruksi Budaya Panji” (Panji’s Culture Reconstruction) as the theme.

There will be about 420 stands available, consist of:

    -  Traditional Food: 126 stands (30%)
    -  Traditional snacks and beverages: 120 stands (25%)
    -  Handy crafts: 63 stands (15%)
    -  Batik:  42 stand  (10%)
    -  Traditional Kid’s Toys: 21 stand  (5 %)
    -  Antiques: 42 stand  (10%)
    -  Traditional Services: 21 stand  ( 5%)

Pre-event: Malang Topeng Carnival

For further information, you can contact: INGGIL Foundation, Jl, Gajah Mada 4, Malang

It seems like this schedule of Malang Tempoe Doeloe Festival is not the final one. Compared to the schedule of Malang Tempoe Doeloe Festival 2009, we can see that this year’s festival is less prepared or something, I don’t really understand it. But I do hope that this 2010 Malang Tempoe Doeloe Festival will be –at lest- as success as the 2009’s.

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