Garuda Indonesia Buys 24 New Planes

Garuda Indonesia Planes

As the biggest Indonesian flight company, Garuda Indonesia buys 24 new planes this year. This new armada consists of 23 Boeing 737-800, and one unit of Airbus 330-200. “The procurement of new aircraft is part of the plan as many as 114 additional units of the fleet of new aircraft until 2014, and as a form of service to customers," said Director of Operations of PT Garuda Indonesia, Ari Sapari.
He confirmed, that the procurement of new aircraft is part of "leasing" for the more efficient of this state-owned company operating costs, and at the same time, it will improve Garuda’s services for the customers.
Singapore Airlines is also doing the “leasing'” system as a method of strengthening its fleet.
In 2010, Garuda Indonesia will have 78 new airplane units. Last year, it has 62 units.
Garuda Indonesia was officially became one of the world’s airlines (from other 15 airlines) that participated in initiating carbon offset program for the replacement of exhaust emissions produced to preserve nature. This year the target number of passengers rose 40 percent from last year's increase of 35 percent

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