3 Kg LPG is Only For Poor Family

Tabung Elpiji 3 KG

Only people with a control card are allowed to buy 3 kg LPG package in Malang. This policy is made to make LPG conversion program that was launched sometimes ago could bring benefits for the poor. This limitation was started to be effective on December 2009, and would be more socialized on the mid of January 2010. The government has prepared 200 thousand control cards and 400 control card readers to support the program.

The 3 Kg LPG package has a subsidized price by the government. That’s why it is only for poor families. What about family which doesn’t have that control card?

Without the control card, 3 Kg LPG package can be bought at Rp. 21.500,00. For the Gakin (poor families) with the card, the same package is available at Rp. 12.750,00 – Rp. 13.000,00 for each tube.

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