GOR Ken Arok, Another Malang Stadium

Located on Jl. Mayjend. Sungkono, Buring, Kedung Kandang, Malang - GOR Ken Arok is one of the best Stadium in East Java.
Taking Ken Arok as the symbol, GOR Ken Arok tries to represent the glory from the past. Ken Arok is the founder of Kerajaan Tumapel, lately it was known as Shinghasari.
GOR Ken Arok is the only type A Stadium in East Java. The stadium can be used to hold multi kind of sports, including ping-pong, basket ball, volley ball, shuttle cock, boxing, aerobic, and also art performances. This 25 billion Stadium is able to accommodate 5,000 to 7,500 spectators.


Unknown said…
My wife is born in Malang and she knows all the places your pics show. of cource
pixelshots said…
buddy pixelshots here.. i don't think rhe pics in my blog is the best whwn compared to professionals.. am mearly using mobile phone cameras.. the nice pics are absolutely one from any sonyericsson mobiles. i usually uses w810,k750 and k810 cybershot phones.. most of them 2 megapixel pics.. if you want the best cam in mobiles you should go for a sonyeric...some pics there are from digicams.. like panasonic lumix.. i have mentioned in the posts itself which camera is using..

cu arnd.

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