
Showing posts from August, 2009

GOR Ken Arok, Another Malang Stadium

Located on Jl. Mayjend. Sungkono, Buring, Kedung Kandang, Malang - GOR Ken Arok is one of the best Stadium in East Java. Taking Ken Arok as the symbol, GOR Ken Arok tries to represent the glory from the past. Ken Arok is the founder of Kerajaan Tumapel, lately it was known as Shinghasari. GOR Ken Arok is the only type A Stadium in East Java. The stadium can be used to hold multi kind of sports, including ping-pong, basket ball, volley ball, shuttle cock, boxing, aerobic, and also art performances. This 25 billion Stadium is able to accommodate 5,000 to 7,500 spectators.

Backpacking Trend Increases Malang’s Small Hotels Occupancy

The world’s backpacking trend really increases the occupancy of small hotels in Malang. Malang is one of the destination for the backpackers or tourists who do not have enough money to stay in big hotels or simply do not want to spend much money on their travel. They usually only bring backpack to carry their stuffs. Since they don't have enough money, they stay on small hotels. This condition keeps the small hotels’ occupancy stays high. Helios Hotel is a small hotel in Malang. Helios Hotel’s Supervisor, Agus Suprianto, said that its occupancy is about 90 percent per month. That’s quite high. The backpackers are really a gift for the hotel. Mostly, they came from Holland and French. There are also local backpackers from Surabaya and Jakarta. They come individually or in groups. The backpackers usually stays for two nights in Malang, before they go to other places, like Bali or Jogjakarta. While they are staying in Malang , they choose to visit two East Java’s tourism icons...

List of Hotels in Malang

Here is a list of some hotels in Malang, in case you need to find hotels in Malang. I have reviewed some of them. If you need to have a better look on them, you may click the link. 1. Guest House University Of Brawijaya Jln. MT. Haryono Malang Telp 0341-558585 2. Hotel Trio Indah 2 Jln. Brigjen slamet Riadi 1-3 Kayu Tangan 0341-359083 3. Hotel Trio Indah 1 Jln. A. Suprapto 18-20 0341-341661 4. Hotel Kalpataru Jln. Kalpataru 41 0341-481184, 486592 5. Hotel Mutiara Jln. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 30-32 0341-356667,356668,356670 6. Hotel Kartika Graha Jln. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 17 0341-361900 7. Hotel Montana Jln. Kahuripan 9 0341-495885,408118 8. Hotel Montana Dua Jln. Candi Panggung 2 0341-495885,408118 9. Hotel Kartika Kusuma Jln. Kahuripan 12 0341-352266, 350250 10. Hotel Wisata Tidar Jln. Puncak Tidar 1 0341-553575, 553576 11. Wisma Bhayangkara Jln. Pahla...