Malang Public Library Photos

Malang Public Library 2Malang doesn’t want to be left behind by other big cities in Indonesia. It grows and develops like other major cities. The Malang Public Library is one of the proof. Its collection is quite able to fulfill people’s need of good reading materials.Perpusda Kota Malang

As you can see on these photos of Malang Public Library, the building is located at the very heart of Malang. Just right in front of it, you can see the Brawijaya Museum. The largest military and historical museum in East Java. About 300 meters to the east you’ll find Gajayana Stadium and MOG (Malang Olympic Garden). Ijen Street itself is up to now still known as the most favorite spot of tourism object in Malang.

It is easy to be the member of the Public Library, but first, you must have an ID as a Malang citizen. People who are not –yet- having the ID are not allowed to be a member. But don’t worry, you still have the access to read the books, what you can not do is taking home the books.

Completed with free wifi internet hotspot, tons collection of books, and strategic location, Malang Public Library is really a nice spot to visit.

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