Malang Lavalette Hospital Photos and History

Malang Lavalette Hospital (PT. Perkebunan XXIV-XXV (Persero) Lavalette) was established on 09 December 1918 on the initiative of some owners of plantations of that time, that were gathered in a foundation namely "STICHTING MALANGSCHE ZIEKENVERPLEGING". Estimated that the early hospital was originally occupied a building in Kasin, Malang.
Papan Nama Lavalette
In 1914 and 1917, the Foundation purchased 19,535 m2 rice field and 7870 m2 yard land in Celaket, Malang. On this land then the foundation built the building, and completed on December 09, 1918, with the name "LAVALETTE KLINIEK". The name is taken from the name of the Foundation Chairman, Mr G. Chr. Renardel de Lavalette, who had a big contribution to the establishment of this hospital.

Given the ongoing deficit in the financial balance sheet, in 1948, members of the Foundation proposed to liquidate Lavalette Kliniek. Liquidation proposal was canceled with the various efforts to increase the foundation’s earning. Those were making the hospital into a sanatorium, and rent the rooms to the government or others. Indonesian government then took over Lavalette hospital in May 1958.
Lavalette Building
On January 07, 1961 Lavalette Hospital was officially handed over to the East Java Plantation Center by the Chairman of the Stichting Malangsche Ziekenverpleging Foundation Plantation. It was the first time ‘Lavalette Hospita’ used officially.
On 26 April 1962, the hospital management was given to BPU VAT Representative East Java to PPN Kesatuan Jatim III by BPU PPN Perwakilan Jawa Timur, which later became the BPU PPN Gula Inspeksi Daerah VII.

And finally, on 19 June 1968 based on Decree Liquidation Committee BPU PPN Gula and PN Karung Goni No. XX-00050/68.005/L dated 19 June 1968, Hospital Lavalette was managed by PNP XXIV dengan nama RS PNP XXIV Malang. Hospital management and expenditures were handled directly by the Board of Directors of PNP XXIV in Surabaya. The expenditures were perceived as a heavy burden because of the ongoing deficit in the financial balance sheet. Moreover, the existence of Lavalette Hospital did not give much benefits to the employees health, because the location of factories was too far from Malang.
Lavalette Plakat
There was a plan to sell the hospital, but there was no companies which was able to run the hospital due to the high cost of running it. And also, the General Director of Agriculture Ministry did not allow the sale / transfer.

In 1975 , in order to improve the management, the Board of Directors pointed a doctor to run the hospital. In the same year, PNP XXIV and PNP XXV merged into PT Perkebunan XXIV-XXV (Persero) RS Lavalette Malang. Because Lavalette had already well known as the name of the hospital, the ‘Lavalette’ was used again until the name officially became RS PT Perkebunan XXIV-XXV (Persero) RS Lavalette Malang.

Some efforts were done to reduce the deficit. The management then improved hospital services and equipment (buildings, equipment / supplies and service quality), so that hospitals would be able to function also as a Referral Hospital (Referral Hospital) of other clinics. Business in the last 3 years appeared to indicate the reduction in the deficit, increasing the number of patients from outside the PT. Plantation XXIV-XXV and greatly increased the attention and participation from outside the PT Perkebunan XXIV-XXV made the Malang Lavalette Hospital better.
Lavalette Hospital Old Time
In 1991, the name 'RS Lavalette' was once again enhanced Lavalette Hospital (RSU LAVALETTE) until now. And on 11 March 1996, based on Government Regulation No. 16, PT Perkebunan XXIV-XXV (Persero) was dissolved, and formed the new business with the name of PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero) or known as PTPN XI (Persero) which is a combination of PT. Perkebunan XXIV-XXV (Persero) and PT. Perkebunan XX (Persero).

Finally, it should be noted, that in overcoming difficulties faced by RS Lavalette Malang since its establishment until now still holds the message from the founder of RS Lavalette, so that Lavalette hospital still serves as a hospital and continues serving the community.
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[ Uda ] said…
kota yg indah, kapan ya saya nyampe ke sana..
halo Malang.. saya ingin sana... hehehehehe
Anonymous said…
waw jadi pengen kesanan heeheh
ayuek said…
ikut juga ahhh.... pengen kesana
Anonymous said…
Read again with interest the "Malan Lavalette Hospital' story. I'm familiar with it through family relations. Intent to visit for many years however have not been able to. Planning to go to Indonesia Oct, Now 2013 perhaps I can make it then.

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