Keminggris – broken English in Advertisements

I must say that my English is not good enough. But I think that’s not a big deal. As long people can understand what I’m writing on. Here I have a photo of an ad. Funny enough for me to laugh.Keminggris 1Can you see something uncommon here?

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Beth said…
but i can't understand what's written there...
anyway, will add you on my blog roll ha? please add me up too! thanks!
Anonymous said…
Hehe, this way,
1. Can you see 'Gangguan Head"? Gangguan means trouble or malfunction. That phrase should be rewritten with 'headache'
2. miuma, do you know what this word means? If you can not make any guess then what about 'mioma'? ring a bell?

That is exactly what I mean with 'Keminggris', or careless usage of English. That's how Indonesian like me using English. haha...

Ok, I'll put your link on mine soon. Thank you so much said…
Yudi, I tag u at my to visit back :)
Hello, actually the "gangguan head" in Indonesian means problems/troubles in ladies menstruation/menses. Indonesian called it haid or head. Indonesian language actually adopt English words into their daily Indonesian Language. Indonesian A-E-I-O-U is different from English. Indonesians pronouns the letter "I" as "E", "A" as "Ahh", "E" as "A", "R" as "air", "B" as "Bey", C as Ceh, D as Deh, G as Geh, k as Ka, p as Peh, etc...

When i first stayed in Indonesia, I thought it's rather funny too but now I'm used to the Indonesian language which is quite comical compared to english.
Hello, actually the "gangguan head" in Indonesian means problems/troubles in ladies menstruation. Indonesian called it haid or head. Indonesian language actually adopt English words into their daily Indonesian Language. Indonesian A-E-I-O-U is different from English. Indonesians pronouns the letter "I" as "E", "A" as "Ahh", "E" as "A", "R" as "air", "B" as "Bey", C as Ceh, D as Deh, G as Geh, k as Ka, p as Peh, etc...

When i first stayed in Indonesia, I thought it's rather funny too but now I'm used to the Indonesian language which is quite comical compared to english.

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